This week I feel like a "normal" mommy. This week I am no different from any other mommy who is about to celebrate their child's first birthday. It's happy,exciting, and painful - the best term really is bittersweet.
Kevin keeps trying to remind me that it is "just" one birthday. She will have many many more birthdays and many more "firsts," yada yada yada.... But it's so hard as a mommy - she's not a little baby anymore (not that it isn't as a daddy....). She is now a toddler. And I know that's why we have babies - to help/watch them grow every step of the way, but it's so hard! I don't know how my mom has done it. Sometimes the tears just well up inside my eyes at how fast time is flying. She barely fits in my arms to rock her to sleep these days. Next thing I know it will be time to watch her walk down the aisle towards the man of her dreams!
I should stop focusing on those things. I need to focus on all the happy things. I don't want Calleigh to grow up with a mommy who cries at EVERYthing.... although she will have to deal with the fact that she has a mommy who cries at MOST things. :)
These days my "almost-toddler" is so close to walking and talking. She recognizes Mama and Dada, even though she doesn't quite say the words. Although I think she has learned to say No....but I am going to ignore that one! lol She loves to walk along the couch and with our help, she may be close to actually trying it on her own one of these days (I just hope I am nearby!).
She loves to put the shapes in the blocks, and she LOVES to dance! My little dancer.
Although she did learn to bite this week. :(
Calleigh is honestly one of the happiest babies I could ever have hoped for. I love her little personality and her little smile. She makes the funniest faces in order to express herself! lol
My Prayer for Calleigh for her Birthday: Lord Jesus, thank you for the sweet little girl that blesses my every moment. Thank you for her smile, for her funny faces, and for her dancing. Please place Your hand on her beautiful head as she turns 1 and starts her journey through being a toddler. I pray that You will walk with her each baby step and hold her hand as she explores. And as always, Jesus, please heal her little body, help her pancreas to work and to allow the enzymes to help when it doesn't. Please help her lungs to stay clear, and please help the tiny cough she has right now to go away. Amen.
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