As sad as that is, it makes me realize just how lucky she and I are to have Kevin. Calleigh will grow up to know her father well, to know she is unconditionally loved by him and to know that he will be there no matter how big the boo-boo is. He will be there to dance with her at her father/daughter dances, he will (maybe begrudgingly) take her to the Jonas Brothers (or the like) concerts, and he will certainly have tea with her and her dolls. This may embarrass him to no end, but that is something that she will treasure and that most of her friends will never be able to say.
I also am fascinated by mommy chat boards where people whine “hubby never gives me the weekend off from the baby” or “hubby thinks he should get the weekend off from baby.” As much as I lean on Kevin for the sick times because I am tired, etc, I never in a million years consider that one of us should get a night “off” from her. Most of the time I feel like we fight to hold her. :) But it’s strange to think of others that aren’t that way, because we love every second with her. I do understand that we both need nights to recoup, to energize, etc. but for the most part, we do that after she is in bed, etc. Even on our date nights, it isn’t a “night off” from her, it is a night to reconnect with each other. And we miss her every second.
Last weekend Kevin and I went out with a bunch of friends from high school, and someone made an observation about the fact that I brought up the subject of one or more ex-boyfriends a few times that night. I have been thinking about that and I think I realized why (other than when with old friends, it’s hard not to reminisce). For so long I was dating guys that were not anywhere near what I really wanted. A few of them might have been nice guys, but for the most part none of them were even close to the life I wanted. Bring time up to Kevin and he is every single bit of what I want, need, and never knew I wanted. Even after 4 years I am still a.m.a.z.e.d. that God brought him into my life.
I love my husband, he is wonderful, he is everything I never knew to ask for. And he is one of the most perfect fathers I have ever met. Calleigh and I love you Kevin and thank you for being you who are.
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